Custom Query (384 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 384)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#214 eepaw promotion -- announce twitter acct at shop assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#216 cow tower platforms -- make tower floors sit tps to go up assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#217 put massive full perm on metalife and xsl assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#218 wacky not hooked up for updates assigned bugdock bug minor
#219 sl tibeti -- fix tibslate help page assigned bugdock bug minor
#220 wylie writer -- fix wylies with random sleep assigned bugdock bug minor
#221 tibslate plans v0.1 assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#222 tibeti products -- wylie writers not retrying assigned bugdock bug minor
#223 tibslate -- update viewscreen blitter version assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#224 opensim issue or what -- very laggy behavior osg wylies assigned bugdock bug minor
#225 metaverse web presence -- promote eepaw and huffware assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#226 baseball card idea -- device and avatar 'personal' home pages assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#227 products -- provide notecard in eepaw clock pack assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#228 products -- instructions for norsoolian assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#229 new product -- bouncer structure for ball rezzer assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#230 new product -- truly trippy discs assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#231 new products -- a clock for grid daylight/night-time assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#232 new product -- spiral staircase assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#233 new product -- spiral jumping beans tube assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#234 jumpy starfish -- trainability assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#235 products -- water bowl improvement assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#236 products -- sim health belt could be way more cool assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#237 products -- jumping bean bug re sitting assigned bugdock bug minor
#238 products -- anti-gravity ring improvements assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#239 products -- bouncer trampoline assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#240 giftorse script -- improvements set A assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#241 products -- eepaw clock kersproing script assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#242 huffbee bulb script -- improvements set Qx3 assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#243 products -- lotterical enraffler improvements assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#244 menutini script -- handle multiple active menus assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#245 minnow boat script -- improvements round 1 assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#246 tibeti products -- mu machine bug fixes assigned bugdock bug minor
#247 non-script giver script -- crashes on too many items assigned bugdock bug minor
#248 noteworthy script -- handle multiple active clients and notecards assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#249 partyculiar script -- new features make nice assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#250 rezzeroni script -- new features primal urge basis A assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#251 texture mover script -- misleading settings bug assigned bugdock bug minor
#252 weaponry scripts -- fix this concussive assigned bugdock bug minor
#253 concussive script -- spawn sub-missiles once start interacting with targets assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#254 comfortable sitting script -- cleanup issues re focus etc assigned bugdock bug minor
#255 jaunters -- bug set Cygnus X1 assigned bugdock bug minor
#256 jaunters -- new features grab bag assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#257 jaunters -- extending to large areas assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#258 jaunters -- new features tasty sack assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#259 jaunters -- sim cpu usage amelioration step B assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#260 lifters -- elevator fixo set A assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#261 stay at home script -- bug for updates on this script assigned bugdock bug minor
#262 stay at home script -- rotation not quite right assigned bugdock bug minor
#263 stay at home script -- return across sim boundary assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#264 wardrobe uber project to clean up open source and freebie objects assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#265 norsoolian -- major mode options and improvements assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#266 norsoolian -- configuration fixes assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#267 norsoolian -- bug for meditation sitting assigned bugdock bug minor
#268 norsoolian -- add channel change capability assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#269 norsoolian -- fix flight below ground level assigned bugdock bug minor
#270 norsoolian -- auto-return to home feature assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#271 huffpet script -- parse locations better assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#272 norsoolian -- big batch of improvements set 1 assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#273 norsoolian -- big batch of improvements set 2 assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#274 welcomebot -- backlog improvements set a assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#275 searchbert -- two bug fixes assigned bugdock bug minor
#276 searchbert -- adding new types of searches assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#277 searchbert -- save the matches assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#278 searchbert -- upwards or Z search assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#279 searchbert -- application -- cataloguer searchbert assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#280 searchbert -- application -- surveying searchbert assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#281 searchbert -- feature idea -- timed channel change assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#282 searchbert -- auto-resizeable rods assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#283 searchbert -- matches recorded per user assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#284 opensim bug -- rezzing objects on certain types of objects rezzes in wrong place assigned bugdock bug minor
#285 opensim bug -- hud rotation problem is opensim assigned bugdock bug minor
#286 opensim bug -- setting terrain for region throws change first time assigned bugdock bug minor
#287 opensim bug -- report bug opensim bounding box assigned bugdock bug minor
#288 hypergates bug -- all hypergate names are blank assigned bugdock bug minor
#289 update searchbert in second life assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#292 splitter fudges ellipses new bug minor milestone3: cook down feisty meow bugs
#293 splitter needs to recognize the wacky quotes and other characters in snow lion / shambhala emails assigned bugdock bug minor
#294 better scheme for communication of file tree bits for synch files and other octopi assigned bugdock refactoring minor milestone4
#295 synch files communication with user is poor; need a UI somewhat assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#296 marks checker should annotate bad links in output file new bug minor
#297 bookmark generator should include counts new new-feature minor
#298 marks checker self documenting help is missing app name new bug minor
#299 marks checker reads whole file first, doesn't need to new bug minor
#301 bookmarks database format revision could support descriptions on sections and even links new new-feature minor
#302 build a personal bookmarks / hierarchical data browser assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#303 missing indentation in generated bookmarks at least for chrome new bug minor
#306 clam documentation has broken links and odd behavior new bug minor
#307 feisty meow documentation still referring to msys new bug minor
#308 fix important feisty meow top level documentation points assigned Fred T. Hamster bug minor
#309 report on feisty meow site that antique code bases are available new bug minor
#311 create static configuration files for feisty meow build config new refactoring minor
#312 cromp packet structural changes new refactoring minor
#313 improve cromp thread usage by implementing a feisty meow thread pool new bug minor
#314 need web pretty printing for presenting code on web sites new new-feature minor
#315 need recursive delete functionality in feisty meow c++ new new-feature minor
#316 ethread pre-delay before fire could be useful new new-feature minor
#317 need raw blast mode in cromp new bug minor
#318 get octopus tests fixed up (tests_octopus) new bug minor
#319 don't use finalizables in kona (java) code new refactoring minor
#320 feisty meow cannot be easily installed system wide new refactoring minor
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