Opened 12 years ago
Last modified 8 years ago
#241 assigned new-feature
products -- eepaw clock kersproing script
Reported by: | Fred T. Hamster | Owned by: | bugdock |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | |
Component: | huffware | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
kersproing script |
modification helper for clock and other multi-part objects:
a script that can rearrange the positions of the subprims would be helpful.
for example, if i said "pop out" to the clock,
it should spring the hour hand, minute hand, center anchor piece and any other parts with a script out in such a way that i can edit them (change scripts, change textures, etc) without needing to manually move things around.
much less error prone and very handy.
clock is a good example because it has some concerns right away.
we want the hour hand, minute hand and central axis to puff out linearly at say 1 or 2 meters distance.
maybe the distance should be proportional to size of objects.
if there were other parts though, we might not want them to jump out at all.
so it needs to be a per-prim script that does the jumping out and back in.
can we count on an object's zero position to be anywhere in particular?
if not we need to carefully store its 'in object position' someplace, like in the obj description?
additionally in the clock example, the root prim might be the anchor piece in the middle.
we need to be able to move the root prim as well, which might mean moving everything else?
so, cases are:
1) root prim should move,
2) specific prim should move,
3) any prim should know how to 'go back',
4) adjustment to prim should be able to do 'linear expansion', with parts in some orderly numerical progression out on a line.
5) adjustment to prim should be able to do arbritary adjustment/rotation, where either position or rot can change.
6) others?
this could be handy for many types of objects.