Custom Query (68 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#12 transporter application no longer works; needs adaptation to new build target hierarchy step assigned bugdock bug blocker
#353 filesynch not succeeding in places with copies that should work assigned bugdock bug blocker
#13 synch_files does file times right, but not directory times assigned bugdock bug minor
#14 test needed for synch_files code assigned bugdock task minor
#37 cromp server won't stop right assigned bugdock bug minor
#38 cromp -- reconnect tester showing lotso issues assigned bugdock bug minor
#39 transporter -- test options for file synch assigned bugdock bug minor
#40 transporter -- support empty dir copying assigned bugdock bug minor
#45 octopus -- threads get different ids on linux assigned bugdock bug minor
#50 tentacles -- security tentacle must expunge keys assigned bugdock bug minor
#51 tentacles -- file transfer tentacle fix set assigned bugdock bug minor
#52 sequence tracker -- add sequence tracker heuristic assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#83 cromp -- service locator plugin assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#84 cromp -- pythonic cromp assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#85 cromp -- scheduler plugin assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#86 cromp -- machine uid addition assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#87 cromp -- idea for useful gateway routerish app assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#88 cromp -- zeno data flow model sounds like octopus assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#89 cromp -- cromp universal connector topic assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#90 cromp -- tunneling and forwarding via cromp assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#91 cromp -- listing service / app registry / etc assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#92 cromp -- support plugins assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#93 cromp -- idea re supporting soap assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#94 cromp -- test asynchronous modes assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#96 data tree -- bus like services assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#113 launcher -- get shutdown alerter anchor window back online assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#114 launcher -- process manager renovation assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#115 list synchronizer -- strict mode and filtering assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#116 list synchronizer -- expunge needed assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#117 list synchronizer -- iteration support would be useful assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#122 octopus -- client registry fix assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#123 octopus -- how to tell an infoton is registered assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#128 raw socket -- fixes needed assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#130 spocket -- assorted good fixes assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#132 tcpip stack -- need reverse arpa assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#149 transporter -- resumption support for transporter assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#150 transporter -- file transfer with patterns assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#152 transporter -- add bandwidth report in transpo assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#153 transporter -- server should support multi transfers assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#154 transporter -- synch files should ignore svn git CVS assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#155 transporter -- new mode file trans support synch build assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#156 transporter -- add file count to file sync assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#157 transporter -- fix file transfer log too assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#158 transporter -- synch files specific files option assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#168 cromp -- add cromp version field assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#169 cromp -- cromp version 2 wik more packtypes assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#170 cromp -- must do version now assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#174 octopus -- entity bin still slow assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#175 octopus -- fix entity bin timeout to be config item assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#176 octopus -- octopus entity blank vs bad or something assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#177 octopus -- unify tentacle and octopus terminology assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#181 socket minder -- socked data needs timeout assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#182 socket minder -- socket minder needs throttle assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#183 socket minder/timed client connection socket minder assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#187 transporter -- file transfer issue big files assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#188 transporter -- provide option file content check for file synch assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#189 transporter -- use zlib knowhow in transpo assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#294 better scheme for communication of file tree bits for synch files and other octopi assigned bugdock refactoring minor milestone4
#295 synch files communication with user is poor; need a UI somewhat assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#312 cromp packet structural changes new refactoring minor
#313 improve cromp thread usage by implementing a feisty meow thread pool new bug minor
#317 need raw blast mode in cromp new bug minor
#318 get octopus tests fixed up (tests_octopus) new bug minor
#339 poor configuration for entity data bin size allowances new bug minor
#340 entity data bin, and other backing stores, should be able to page out to disk new new-feature minor
#355 is there a way to do filesynch over ssh? new new-feature minor
#368 even mo better approach for filesync new bug minor
#370 still failing on maildir synch in serene backer new bug minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.