Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#89 assigned new-feature

cromp -- cromp universal connector topic

Reported by: Fred T. Hamster Owned by: bugdock
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: feistymeow-octopus Version:
Keywords: cromp Cc:


cromp could be universal connector

needs support for multiplexing on context of data,

i.e. go to xml parser for xml prefix,
go to html parser for that,
try to parse as cromp message,

support for this makes it easier to have multiple versions of cromp

no longer need to match exact format of old version
can interpret which one it is in same protocol matching area.

general forwarding service:

a class that can maintain a list of forwards.

all these are is a source and a sink.

the source is a place where the class listens for data. the sink is where
it puts that data once it hears it.

can be arbitrary connections too: connected to multicast to broadcast to etc.

the packet sizes are a concern, but not really our problem. we could just
slap the too-large packets in chunks out on the bcast
and if they don't arrive, that's the nature of broadcast.

cromp server idea for distributing requests to appropriate handler:

cromp server should support registration of other services via patterns.

e.g. xml html etc should go to a web server.

other patterns go to other servers.
could be a proxy server in this manner, or support endless services.


octopus confederation:

other servers log into a server that is based on list synchronizer
or something similar.

they register themselves as providing a particular service. this then
forms a place in the chain of unique names where if someone asks for
far down enough in a chain, they may get routed to a remote server?

or really, any arbitrary unique service name could be routed elsewhere.

the main port (the list synch guy) would then accept connections from
cromp clients and route their requests to the right topics, served elsewhere.
replies would need to be routed back also.

this allows a central clearing house point where the connections can be made,
but any number of servers could implement the service, anywhere on the

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Fred T. Hamster, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from Fred T. Hamster to bugdock
Status: newassigned
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