Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#51 assigned bug

tentacles -- file transfer tentacle fix set

Reported by: Fred T. Hamster Owned by: bugdock
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: feistymeow-octopus Version:
Keywords: tentacle, file transfer Cc:



  1. file transfer tentacle should use outcomes: it should not be using simple bools in there!
  1. bad limitation: 2 gig transfers:
    1. tried transferring a huge file at home, 8 gigs.
    2. stopped before even trying, since the file size is measured in int.
    3. we need to use the larger number size to handle these!
  1. resume not implem in file tran
    1. is it the case that resuming was ever implemented?
    2. like how does it decide whether to keep going on a file or start over on it?
    3. what if the file is corrupt?
  1. preserve dates in transfer
    1. file transfer tentacle and the other thing should keep the date of the file and retag it at that date. then they will seem like the same file.
    2. see bundler for code for this.
  1. add ongoing status support
    1. there should be a percentage done for size and a percentage done for file count.
    2. these could be checked periodically to show the download state.
  1. dont forget outcome of transfer: the outcome field of the stupid infoton needs to record the result.
  1. make transfer show times: it would be nice to see a list of names, where the incomplete one shows a percentage that keeps getting updated.
  1. maybe transfer should be auto prompted
    1. wouldn't it be better if the next thing after a tree response was that the client side put out an infoton that started the transfer? then it's more automatic.
    2. we would lose the control over it of being able to decide not to do it, but we would make the use of this interface a lot simpler.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Fred T. Hamster, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from Fred T. Hamster to bugdock
Status: newassigned
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