Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#112 java ssh server easy -- apache sshd project assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#319 don't use finalizables in kona (java) code new refactoring minor
#360 stamp uva copyright and apache license on all imported files new bug minor
#367 try numbering steps in readme file new bug minor
#369 terrible performance of synch to this day new bug minor
#374 nechung with auto-sizing new bug minor
#379 auto depends putter onner for feisty new bug minor
#380 feisty depends on source-highlight now new bug minor
#381 also good to have binary search tree implementation new bug minor
#383 big lacks in feisty new bug minor
#385 mebbe code trees etc in feisty also new bug minor
#386 nice to have linked list funcs new bug minor
#387 only thing missing to make bundle a success new bug minor
#390 iterators in feisty meow suck new bug minor
#393 add feisty tests in kona for gffs code new bug minor
#396 technical debt to synch kona with gffs code new bug minor
#397 write a consistent html tidbit for a go up go next set of structures for use on web pages new bug minor
#359 kona build missing in feisty meow build process new bug major
#304 update feisty meow kona jars used new task blocker
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