Opened 8 years ago

#385 new bug

mebbe code trees etc in feisty also

Reported by: Fred T. Hamster Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: feistymeow-kona Version:
Keywords: Cc:


in feisty we want to do:

+ balanced tree of some sort

+ red black tree as type of b-tree

+ simple linked list with lisp style operators (already have? not supporting sublists quite so nicely maybe.)

=> these will help show the issues in sorting, plus we'd have a testbed for trying out the code.

=> do timing tests on all of these for searching.

many iterations,
show with empirical evidence that claims for worst case, average etc can be shown.

=> use geeks4geeks format for loading the trees up, plus because we have all that stuff
available already!

+ formalize some of the functions i implemented for that stuff with a few nice operations

on nodes and trees in feisty.

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