Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12 transporter application no longer works; needs adaptation to new build target hierarchy step assigned cromp,transporter,file transfer bugdock bug blocker
#37 cromp server won't stop right assigned cromp bugdock bug minor
#38 cromp -- reconnect tester showing lotso issues assigned cromp bugdock bug minor
#83 cromp -- service locator plugin assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#84 cromp -- pythonic cromp assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#85 cromp -- scheduler plugin assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#88 cromp -- zeno data flow model sounds like octopus assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#89 cromp -- cromp universal connector topic assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#90 cromp -- tunneling and forwarding via cromp assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#91 cromp -- listing service / app registry / etc assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#93 cromp -- idea re supporting soap assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#94 cromp -- test asynchronous modes assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#96 data tree -- bus like services assigned cromp bugdock new-feature minor
#313 improve cromp thread usage by implementing a feisty meow thread pool new thread pool, cromp bug minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.