Custom Query (45 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#357 fix makedep on windows new Fred T. Hamster bug blocker
#8 shell files should cleanup if interrupt assigned bugdock bug major
#2 add python to aliases assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#7 python startup process assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#9 spam check should move nonspam assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#98 email -- integrate email alerts in scripts assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#101 file scripts -- list dupes reverse assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#126 pretty printing -- sort headers in code assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#129 security scripts -- convert der to pem assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#140 textual -- idea for l33t translator assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#144 textual -- capitalizer script assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#159 unified archive scripts -- snarfer is the packer side assigned bugdock new-feature minor
#161 adapt fix game perm script with these approaches assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#166 checker script -- enhance checker for dir no complain assigned bugdock refactoring minor
#306 clam documentation has broken links and odd behavior new bug minor
#311 create static configuration files for feisty meow build config new refactoring minor
#321 add recursion to summing dir script new bug minor
#322 consider deepening snarfs a level, to add an outer directory shell new bug minor
#324 make unpack use spacem logic, to reduce code repetition new bug minor
#325 need title refresh after screen commands also new bug minor
#327 rev control tools should take multiple parmeters new bug minor
#328 archive tools should take multiple parameters also (just like rev ctrl) new bug minor
#329 save variables and aliases to file plus support unloading feisty meow scripts environment new bug minor
#330 splitter could support ad hoc text entry, to split what it's given on cmd line new bug minor
#331 create a process watcher script new new-feature minor
#332 need generalized function for hide output unless error new new-feature minor
#333 need automated updater for ubuntu new new-feature minor
#334 script for reporting files in same dirs which are same name except case new new-feature minor
#335 fix where rc files go during the build new refactoring minor
#336 nice feisty meow build error reporting scheme new refactoring minor
#337 revision control tools, like rev_update, should not see .tmp dir new refactoring minor
#338 need a script that finds missing classdefs in feisty c++ code new new-feature minor
#371 backup arbitrary script help is missing new bug minor
#372 backup arbitrary includes dot git.txt new bug minor
#373 fix play (bash function) in feisty new bug minor
#375 need separate script for mysql backuper new bug minor
#376 only rebuild bookmarx when change new bug minor
#378 reminder should have synopsis in email subject new bug minor
#384 ideal idea refix the config files that we use from feisty templates new bug minor
#388 visualization during make process new bug minor
#389 another note feisty products trash new bug minor
#391 remove most shell out-calls in clam new bug minor
#392 usage in feisty meow of tmp must be fixed new bug minor
#395 implement some shunit tests in feisty new bug minor
#399 add parameter for character to sep function new bug minor
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.