Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#192 assigned bug

huffware -- aieeee lights are too bright

Reported by: Fred T. Hamster Owned by: bugdock
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: huffware Version:
Keywords: Cc:


aieeee lights are too bright

the reason the shop looks so bad is that
our lights are too bright.
we must have turned up the distance and all that
to the point where a good graphics card
renders them very poorly.

the good example for this awfluness is in smokier
where the copy of the university quad marble feature is.
with all the lights turned on, the thing is awfullll looking.
with them turned off, it's okay.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Fred T. Hamster, 12 years ago

Component: universalbuilds-simshuffware

comment:2 by Fred T. Hamster, 12 years ago

most of too bright problem is huffbee bulb

just have it not have such large radius and
low falloff
properties for the light.

but also, we're seeing lots of objects that emit light with a too large radius or whatever.

comment:3 by Fred T. Hamster, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from Fred T. Hamster to bugdock
Status: newassigned
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