Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#178 assigned refactoring

promote configlet -- configlet is cool structuring method for configs

Reported by: Fred T. Hamster Owned by: bugdock
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: feistymeow-nucleus Version:
Keywords: Cc:


configlet is key everywhere:

  1. this really is the way to configure an app.
  2. it provides the configuration item itself, the place where that would be stored in a config file, etc.
  3. it should handle reading and writing those things also, via a configurator object.
  4. this should really be the way that everything runs in our stuff.
  5. like for a communication engine, e.g., it needs to use configlets and have a watch on the file that they come from. then, when things change, it can adapt to what's set in the file.
  6. when its own changes occur, they go straight to the file. (make sure you don't then reread the file right away...?)

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Fred T. Hamster, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from Fred T. Hamster to bugdock
Status: newassigned
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