Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#111 assigned new-feature

infospace browser -- infospace tasks — at Initial Version

Reported by: Fred T. Hamster Owned by: Fred T. Hamster
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: feistymeow-nucleus Version:
Keywords: Cc:


this is the basic epic for the info snaggler?

# ultra graphical and multi modal support for browsing and managing one's personal infospace:

  1. launch kdesvn onto subversion archive to manage that?
  2. launch mind map browsers onto those types of files.
  3. launch kompozer editors on web files like lists.
  4. show pictures with eog.
  5. but mainly manage entire infospace, with doorways / tubes / connectors / gateways between all content.
  6. sortable by types in different ways.
  7. auto mind map creation from certain document types (e.g. hierarchical notes in list form).

# all based on open source code:

  1. then we can rely on all that good stuff, like the mindmap code, without worrying about copyright infringement or whatever.
  2. possible ways to wind in yeti and hoople code into the mgt structure of this?

# write a basic remote file viewer app.

  1. once hoople has its own logging engine, this could talk to it.
  2. for now though, this should just be able to show any text file properly.
  3. and it should host multiple files at a time.

# ultra graphical and multi modal support for browsing and managing one's personal infospace:

  1. launch kdesvn onto subversion archive to manage that?
  2. launch mind map browsers onto those types of files.
  3. launch kompozer editors on web files like lists.
  4. show pictures with eog.
  5. but mainly manage entire infospace, with doorways / tubes / connectors / gateways between all content.
  6. sortable by types in different ways.
  7. auto mind map creation from certain document types (e.g. hierarchical notes in list form).

# all based on open source code:

  1. then we can rely on all that good stuff, like the mindmap code, without worrying about copyright infringement or whatever.
  2. possible ways to wind in yeti and hoople code into the mgt structure of this?

# write a basic remote file viewer app.

  1. once hoople has its own logging engine, this could talk to it.
  2. for now though, this should just be able to show any text file properly.
  3. and it should host multiple files at a time.
  1. can run like a server using logos or git to retrieve files?
    1. logos should support specifying some public areas to read files.
    2. logos should support general file transfers.
    3. the viewer can use that feature to get whatever's been shared, text or whatever.

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